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Educating the state of Victoria and beyond on the value of plastic recycling.

A Few Words About Us

We do
cool stuff
with recycled plastic

We are a small team that got together in August 2019 in collaboration with Acoye to set up a multi purpose Precious Plasticinspired work space, to develop new and improved ways to work with recycled plastic and to create new and better products. As well we are a waste materials and sustainability education center. A place to come and learn and share ideas. Educating the state of Victoria and beyond on the value of plastic recycling.

We are currently developing a new way to learn, teaching how to turn our plastic waste into new and innovative products to love, is what we are about and our core values are to teach a better way. We are working on a new Mobile Education Program together with Rethink Recycling Co-op, to show how to live sustainable and fulfilling lifestyles while making the most of what we already have.

We have worked with our engineers to make our own versions of our commercial range bassed off the Precious Plastic V4 machine designes as well as our small hand operated eductaion range coupled with our powered Desktop Series. We have operationg on site, a shredder, extruder, pneumatic injection and a 1x1m sheet press, We also offer these machines for sale and can ship them anywhare in the world.

As a Precious Plastic Universe makerspace we are keen to learn how to make better products and start to replace existing virgin plastic products. We want to help educate the community on the 8 R's and create a hub to unite the greater community to live a better way.

As we have grown over the past 4 years and build strong overseas relationship with many manufactures we are happy to now offer recycling equipment at a commercial level, commissions and off the shelf machinery and being the liaison between the international manufactures and Australia client base taking the risk out of never know who you are dealing with, thus providing all the services requiring to get you up and running seamlessly.

We live by the 8 R’s. Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Refurbish, Repair, Repurpose, Recycle.